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Proteomic and genomic analyses of the Rvb1 and Rvb2 interaction network upon deletion of R2TP complex components

Lakshminarasimhan M, Boanca G, Banks CA, Hattem GL, Gabriel AE, Groppe BD, Smoyer C, Malanowski KE, Peak A, Florens L, Washburn MP. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2016;15:960-974.

Wnt signaling-mediated redox regulation maintains the germ line stem cell differentiation niche.

Wang S, Gao Y, Song X, Ma X, Zhu X, Mao Y, Yang Z, Ni J, Li H, Malanowski KE, Anoja P, Park J, Haug J, Xie T. eLife. 2015;4:e08174. doi: 08110.07554/eLife.08174.

The SMC Loader Scc2 Promotes ncRNA Biogenesis and Translational Fidelity.

Zakari M, Trimble Ross R, Peak A, Blanchette M, Seidel C, Gerton JL. PLoS Genet. 2015;11:E1005308. doi:1005310.1001371/journal.pgen.1005308.

Analysis of dynamic changes in retinoid-induced transcription and epigenetic profiles of murine Hox clusters in ES cells.

De Kumar B, Parrish ME, Slaughter BD, Unruh JR, Gogol M, Seidel C, Paulson A, Li H, Gaudenz K, Peak A, McDowell W, Fleharty B, Ahn Y, Lin C, Smith E, Shilatifard A, Krumlauf R. Genome Res. 2015;25:1229-1243.

Evaluation of commercially available RNA amplification kits for RNA sequencing using very low input amounts of total RNA.

Shanker S, Paulson A, Edenberg HJ, Peak A, Perera A, Alekseyev YO, Beckloff N, Bivens NJ, Donnelly R, Gillaspy AF, Grove D, Gu W, Jafari N, Kerley-Hamilton JS, Lyons RH, Tepper C, Nicolet CM. J Biomol Tech. 2015;26:4-18.

Suberoylanilide Hydroxamic Acid (SAHA)-Induced Dynamics of a Human Histone Deacetylase Protein Interaction Network.

Sardiu ME, Smith KT, Groppe BD, Gilmore JM, Saraf A, Egidy R, Peak A, Seidel CW, Florens L, Workman JL, Washburn MP. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2014;13:3114-3125.

Corolla is a novel protein that contributes to the architecture of the synaptonemal complex of Drosophila.

Collins KA, Unruh JR, Slaughter BD, Yu Z, Lake CM, Nielsen RJ, Box KS, Miller DE, Blumenstiel JP, Perera AG, Malanowski KE, Hawley RS. Genetics. 2014;198:219-228.

Piwi is required in multiple cell types to control germline stem cell lineage development in the Drosophila ovary.

Ma X, Wang S, Do T, Song X, Inaba M, Nishimoto Y, Liu LP, Gao Y, Mao Y, Li H, McDowell W, Park J, Malanowski K, Peak A, Perera A, Li H, Gaudenz K, Haug J, Yamashita Y, Lin H, Ni JQ, Xie T. PLoS One. 2014;9:e90267.

Defective FGF signaling causes coloboma formation and disrupts retinal neurogenesis.

Chen S, Li H, Gaudenz K, Paulson A, Guo F, Trimble R, Peak A, Seidel C, Deng C, Furuta Y, Xie T. Cell Res. 2013;23:254-273.

Human Family with Sequence Similarity 60 Member A (FAM60A) Protein: a New Subunit of the Sin3 Deacetylase Complex.

Smith KT, Sardiu ME, Martin-Brown SA, Seidel C, Mushegian A, Egidy R, Florens L, Washburn MP, Workman JL. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2012;11:1815-1828.

Cohesin proteins promote ribosomal RNA production and protein translation in yeast and human cells.

Bose T, Lee KK, Lu S, Xu B, Harris B, Slaughter B, Unruh J, Garrett A, McDowell W, Box A, Li H, Peak A, Ramachandran S, Seidel C, Gerton JL. PLoS Genet. 2012;8:e1002749.

A Whole-Chromosome Analysis of Meiotic Recombination in Drosophila melanogaster.

Miller DE, Takeo S, Nandanan K, Paulson A, Gogol MM, Noll AC, Perera AG, Walton KN, Gilliland WD, Li H, Staehling KK, Blumenstiel JP, Hawley RS. G3 (Bethesda). 2012;2:249-260.

Identification of EMS-induced mutations in Drosophila melanogaster by whole-genome sequencing.

Blumenstiel JP, Noll AC, Griffiths JA, Perera AG, Walton KN, Gilliland WD, Hawley RS, Staehling-Hampton K. Genetics. 2009;182:25-32.

Incomplete penetrance and phenotypic variability characterize Gdf6-attributable oculo-skeletal phenotypes

Asai-Coakwell M, French CR, Ye M, Garcha K, Bigot K, Perera AG, Staehling-Hampton K, Mema SC, Chanda B, Mushegian A, Bamforth S, Doschak MR, Li G, Dobbs MB, Giampietro PF, Brooks BP, Vijayalakshmi P, Sauve Y, Abitbol M, Sundaresan P, van Heyningen V, Pourquie O, Underhill TM, Waskiewicz AJ, Lehmann OJ. Hum Mol Genet. 2009;18:1110-1121.

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Identification and Localization of Cell Types in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb Using Slide-SeqV2

Fang A, Petentler K, Price A, Malloy S, Maddera C, Russell J, Treese M, Li H, Wang Y, McKinney S, Perera A, Yu CR. Methods Mol Biol. 2023;2710:171-183. Published Erratum Methods Mol Biol. 2023;2710:C1. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3425-7_17.

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