Summer Scholars Alumni
2012 Scholars

Name | School | Lab | Project |
Lynn Andreas | Missouri State University | Jaspersen | The Exploration and Characterization of Two Nuclear |
Mitchell Blenden | Georgia Institute of Technology | L. Li | Using Wnt/¬-catenin and PI3-K/Akt Inhibitors to treat |
Matthew Bruce | Texas A&M University | Yu | Implantable Electrode for Chronic Recording of Neural |
Brittany Coonce | University of Missouri- Kansas City | Xie | Regulation of germ cell development |
Shivang Desai | Brown University | Baumann | The role of the LSm2-8 ring in TER1 biogenesis |
Lindsey Fong | Carnegie Mellon University | Sanchez | Establishment of Culturing Conditions in |
Daniel Friedman | Washington University | Yu | Investigating the Pheromone Ligands for the V1Rj2/V1Rj3 |
Julia Hacker | University of Vienna | Gibson | Establishment of an inducible gene expression system |
Megan Hoffman | Truman State University | Yu | Using TALEN in the Mouse Embryos to Edit Receptor |
Alexandra Keane | Washington University | Jaspersen | Identification of Inner Nuclear Membrane Proteins in |
Zachary Lee | Rockhurst University | Washburn | Effect of Affinity Tag on Bait Associated Proteins Pulled |
Chen Li | Wuhan University | Mak | Regulation of lipid droplet size by the ER tubular network |
Jennifer Li | Washington University | Trainor | Disruption of vasculogenesis in the ENU-induced mouse |
Yifan Lu | Wuhan University | Zeitlinger | Genetic analysis of zygotic gene activation in Drosophila |
Shijun Ma | Wuhan University | Kulesa | Tracing the dynamics of gene expression in human |
Scott McMahon | Truman State University | Piotrowski | Characterization of the KT28 Mutant in Danio rerio |
Ana Mitchell | Scripps College | Hawley | Transmission of B Chromosomes in Three Drosophila |
Nimish Mittal | Rice University | Yu | Development of Optogenetic Instruments and |
Chloe Moreau | University Pierre and Marie Curie | Trainor | Gene expression analyses in mouse embryos |
Hillary Mullan | Oberlin College | Krumlauf | HoxB Gene Regulation by Retinoic Acid Response |
Karthikeyan Murugesan | Indian Institute of Technology | Yu | Functional Analysis of Mouse Olfactory Epithelial |
Svenja Niehus | Georg-August University | Zeitlinger | Dpp target gene regulation in Drosophila melanogaster |
Yoshiya Nishimoto | Kyoto University | Xie | Piwi function in germ cells |
Erin O'Grady | University of Kansas | Krumlauf | Lrp4 and Wise in Mammary Gland, Hair Follicle and |
Wei Peng | Lanzhou University | Zeitlinger | Establishing a chromatin Immunoprecipitation protocol |
Monica Saha | University of Kansas | Trainor | The ENU-induced mutant palloncino identifies novel |
Sri Karthika Shanmugam | Anna University | Yu | Adeno-Associated Viral Vector Mediated Gene Delivery |
Axel Shum | Princeton University | Zeitlinger | Automation of a high-throughput developmental timing |
Suriyasri Subramanian | Anna University | Si | Orb2A Interacts directly with CCR4 -NOT complex |
Anne Tjaden | Loyola University | Trainor | Investigation of Genetic and Environmental Modifiers |
Adrienne Van Antwerp | Willamette University | Si | A molecular basis of memory for food |
Erica Vlasic | University of Oklahoma | Gibson | Cannibalistic activity among slow developing mutants |
Thomas White | University of Colorado | Washburn | Characterization of the Interactions Between Histones |
Monique Williams | Oakwood University | Sanchez | Comparative Analysis of Multi-Species Planarian |
Joshua Wilson | Truman State University | Si | Role of Drosophila Orb2 in neuronal growth |
Andrew Winegarner | California Baptist University | Piotrowski | Condensation from the Zebrafish Lateral Line Placode |
Zheng Xing | Jilin University | Yu | Developing a Toolbox of Recombinant Adeno-associated |
Yue "Jerry" Yin | University of Wisconsin | Yu | Computer-Controlled Olfactometers for Behavioral Assays |
Jaclyn Yu | University of Illinois | L. Li | Imprinted gene H19 maintains quiescent hematopoietic |