Summer Scholars Alumni
2013 Scholars

Scholar | University | Lab | Poster/Project Title |
Florian Bilz | Freie Universität Berlin | Yu | Aversive Training Changes Odor Response |
Stephanie Bouffard | Université Pierre et Marie | Trainor | Identification of tcof-like and nolc1 as new genes involved |
Elena Brindley | University of Notre Dame | Kulesa | The Role of Chemokines in Trunk Neural Crest Cell |
George Bugarinovic | The Johns Hopkins University | Trainor | Tcof1, Polr1c and Polr1d: Understanding the cellular |
Neal Desai | California Institute of Technology | Kulesa | Spatio-temporal expression and regulation of gene |
Jesús Fuentes Antrás | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Krumlauf | Role of Lrp4 membrane receptor in Wnt-β/Catenin |
Ana Eugenia Gabriel | Rockhurst University | Washburn | Investigating the role of Tah1 and Pih1 in the yeast |
Emily Grantham | University of Kansas | Hawley | Mapping A New Female Meiotic Mutant in |
John Greaves | Simpson College | Gibson | Non-uniform expression of epithelial polarity genes |
Ze Hong | Grinnell College | Xie | The effect of innexin2 on stem cell differentiation in |
Zita Hubler | University of Illinois | Yu | Development of CRISPR/CAS System for Investigation |
Liangliang Ji | Wuhan University | Kulesa | A Study of the Role of PKP2 and PERP During |
Kelsey Kaeding | Claremont McKenna College | Hawley | Characterization and Mapping of a Female Meiotic |
Taylore King | Johns Hopkins University | Gibson | The Effects of Mitotic Spindle Misorientation on |
Rosemary Liu | Vanderbilt University | Shilatifard | MLL3/4 function in enhancer H3K4 monomethylation |
Sarah Munday | Rice University | Baumann | Differences in Meiosis: Sexual vs. Parthenogenetic |
Laura Nay | Willamette University | Yu | Axon Guidance in the Olfactory System |
Lindsay Parnell | Spelman College | R. Li | The Effect of Fis1 Mutants on Protein |
Rishabh Raj | Indian Institute of Technology, | Yu | A mathematical model for odor discrimination – |
Aishwarya Raja | Columbia University | Sánchez Alvarado | Developing Techniques for Gene Knockdown During |
Qihao Ren | Wuhan University | L. Li | Combined cancer treatment on intestine adenoma |
Huanjie Sheng | Peking University | R. Li | Quantitative analysis of polarization in budding yeast |
Yi Shi | Carnegie Mellon University | Zeitlinger | Combinatorial code for Transcription Regulation in |
Nadine Nenja Sowa | University of Göttingen | Gerton | L-leucine - a potential therapy for CdLS ? |
Anne Tacha | University of Kansas | L. Li | The in-vitro effect of novel β-catenin inhibiting treatments |
Charles Wolock | Harvard University | Gibson | Investigating the roles of metazoan signaling pathways |
Andy Yu | University of Michigan | L. Li | Identifying the Protein Partners of Linc-RNA H19 Gene |