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Structural analyses of the chromatin remodelling enzymes INO80-C and SWR-C.

Watanabe S, Tan D, Lakshminarasimhan M, Washburn MP, Erica Hong EJ, Walz T, Peterson CL. Nat Commun. 2015;6:7108. doi: 7110.1038/ncomms8108doi.

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The above listed Stowers Institute contributing authors have selected to present the raw data of this manuscript resulting from work performed at The Stowers Institute. Original MudPIT Mass Spectrometry data collected at SIMR (6 samples) have been deposited in MassIVE database ( and can be found using the following reference numbers: INO80-C submission, MSV000079018; Swr-C submission, MSV000079019.

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