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Sofia Robb

B.A., Biology, St. Mary’s College of Maryland
B.S., Biology, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Ph.D., Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Utah

Portrait of Sofia Robb

Sofia Robb graduated with a B.S. degree in biology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore in 1999. She began integrating scripting and the use of databases with her experiments while working as a technician in the laboratory of Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, Ph.D., in the Department of Embryology at the Carnegie Institute.

Robb remained with the Sánchez Alvarado Lab after its move to the University of Utah for her doctoral work where she studied histone modifying enzymes and their role in stem cells and regeneration in the planarian flatworm, Schmidtea mediterranea. She also constructed numerous genomic tools for this emerging non-model organism and continued integrating the genome with bioinformatic tools as a postdoctoral associate at the University of California, Riverside with Jason Stajich, Ph.D., and Susan Wessler, Ph.D., studying active transposable elements in rice.

At the Stowers Institute, Robb is involved in several genomics initiatives, including establishing a collection of tools for the analysis of genomes and genome-wide data of research organisms.

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