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Establishing Primary and Stable Cell Lines from Frozen Wing Biopsies for Cellular, Physiological, and Genetic Studies in Bats
Deng F, Morales-Sosa P, Bernal-Rivera A, Wang Y, Tsuchiya D, Javier JE, Rohner N, Zhao C, Camacho J. Curr Protoc. 2024;4:e1123.
Pluripotency retention and exogenous mRNA introduction in planarian stem cells in culture
Lei K, Zhang W, Chen J, McKinney SA, Ross EJ, Lee HC, Sánchez Alvarado A. iScience. 2023;26:106001.
Identifying dynamical persistent biomarker structures for rare events using modern integrative machine learning approach
Dutta S, Box AC, Li Y, Sardiu ME. Proteomics. 2023:e2200290.
Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals three sequential phases of gene expression during zebrafish sensory hair cell regeneration
Baek S, Tran NTT, Diaz DC, Tsai YY, Acedo JN, Lush ME, Piotrowski T. [published ahead of print 3-28-2022]. Dev Cell. 2022;57:1-21. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2022.1003.1001.
Cell Sorter Cleaning Practices and Their Impact on Instrument Sterility
Box A, Holmes L, DeLay M, Adams D, Bergeron A, Clise-Dwyer K, Cochran M, del Rio Guerra R, Handley M, Meyer M, Meyer EM, Saluk A, Brundage K. J Biomol Tech (JBT). 2022;33:e2675d2674. doi: 2610.7171/2673fc2671f2675fe.e2675d2674.
A High-throughput Automated ELISA Assay for Detection of IgG Antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
Conkright-Fincham J, Tomomori-Sato C, McGhee R, Leslie EM, Beucher CJ, Weems LE, Sato S, Redwine WB, Weaver KJ, Miller BD, Delventhal KM, Kary JJ, Koebbe AB, Dean A, Witt JL, Remy LM, Parmely TJ, Zhao C, Wang Y, Conaway JW, Unruh JR. Bio-protocol. 2022;12:e4301. doi: 4310.21769/BioProtoc.24301.
Tumor-initiating stem cell shapes its microenvironment into an immunosuppressive barrier and pro-tumorigenic niche
He X, Smith SE, Chen S, Li H, Wu D, Meneses-Giles PI, Wang Y, Hembree M, Yi K, Zhao X, Guo F, Unruh JR, Maddera LE, Yu Z, Scott A, Perera A, Wang Y, Zhao C, Bae K, Box A, Haug JS, Tao F, Hu D, Hansen DM, Qian P, Saha S, Dixon D, Anant S, Zhang D, Lin EH, Sun W, Wiedemann LM, Li L. Cell Rep. 2021;36:109674.doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109674.
Image3C, a multimodal image-based and label independent integrative method for single-cell analysis
Accorsi A, Box AC, Peuss R, Wood C, Sanchez Alvarado A, Rohner N. eLife. 2021;10. doi: 10.7554/eLife.65372.
Multiple Niche Compartments Orchestrate Stepwise Germline Stem Cell Progeny Differentiation
Tu R, Duan B, Song X, Chen S, Scott A, Hall K, Blanck J, DeGraffenreid D, Li H, Perera A, Haug J, Xie T. Curr Biol. 2021;31:827-839 e823.
Identification of Stem Cells from Large Cell Populations with Topological Scoring
Sardiu ME, Box AC, Haug JS, Washburn MP. Mol Omics. 2021;17:59-65.
Evaluating the Effects of Cell Sorting on Gene Expression
Box A, DeLay M, Tighe S, Chittur SV, Bergeron A, Cochran M, Lopez P, Meyer EM, Saluk A, Thornton S, Brundage K. J Biomol Tech : JBT. 2020;31:100-111.
b-Catenin and Associated Proteins Regulate Lineage Differentiation in Ground State Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
Tao F, Soffers J, Hu D, Chen S, Gao X, Zhang Y, Zhao C, Smith SE, Unruh JR, Zhang D, Tsuchiya D, Venkatraman A, Zhao M, Li Z, Qian P, Parmely T, He XC, Washburn M, Florens L, Perry JM, Zeitlinger J, Workman J, Li L. Stem Cell Rep. 2020;15:662-676.
Alkaline phosphatase-based chromogenic and fluorescence detection method for BaseScope™ In Situ hybridization
Wang Y, Xu W, Maddera L, Tsuchiya D, Thomas N, Yu CR, Parmely T. J Histotechnol. 2019;42:193-201.
Detecting and Characterizing Protein Self-Assembly in vivo by Flow Cytometry
Venkatesan S, Kandola TS, Rodriguez-Gama A, Box A, Halfmann R. J Vis Exp. 2019;149:e59577. doi: 59510.53791/59577.
Translation affects mRNA stability in a codon-dependent manner in human cells
Wu Q, Medina SG, Kushawah G, DeVore ML, Castellano LA, Hand JM, Wright M, Bazzini AA. eLife. 2019;8:e45396. doi: 45310.47554/eLife.45396.
scRNA-Seq reveals distinct stem cell populations that drive hair cell regeneration after loss of Fgf and Notch signaling
Lush ME, Diaz DC, Koenecke N, Baek S, Boldt H, St Peter MK, Gaitan-Escudero T, Romero-Carvajal A, Busch-Nentwich EM, Perera AG, Hall KE, Peak A, Haug JS, Piotrowski T. Elife. 2019;8:e44431. doi: 44410.47554/eLife.44431.
A Population of Navigator Neurons is Essential for Olfactory Map Formation during Critical Period
Wu Y, Ma L, Duyck K, Long C, Moran A, Scheerer H, Blanck J, Peak A, Box A, Perera A, Yu CR. Neuron. 2018;100. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.09.051.
Suppression of m(6)A reader Ythdf2 promotes hematopoietic stem cell expansion
Li Z, Qian P, Shao W, Shi H, He XC, Gogol M, Yu Z, Wang Y, Qi M, Zhu Y, Perry JM, Zhang K, Tao F, Zhou K, Hu D, Han Y, Zhao C, Alexander R, Xu H, Chen S, Peak A, Hall K, Peterson M, Perera A, Haug JS, Parmely T, Li H, Shen B, Zeitlinger J, He C, Li L. Cell Res. 2018. Author Correction: Cell Res 2018:1-14. Published online July 2018.;28:904-917.
Quantifying nucleation in vivo reveals the physical basis of prion-like phase behavior
Khan T, Kandola TS, Wu J, Venkatesan S, Ketter E, Lange JJ, Rodriguez Gama A, Box A, Unruh JR, Cook M, Halfmann R. Mol Cell.2018;71:155-168.e157.
Prospectively Isolated Tetraspanin(+) Neoblasts Are Adult Pluripotent Stem Cells Underlying Planaria Regeneration
Zeng A, Li H, Guo L, Gao X, McKinney S, Wang Y, Yu Z, Park J, Semerad C, Ross E, Cheng LC, Davies E, Lei K, Wang W, Perera A, Hall K, Peak A, Box A, Sánchez Alvarado A. Cell. 2018;173:1593-1608.e20.
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When LIN41 Comes to a Fork in the Road, It Takes BOTH Paths: Translational Repression OR mRNA Decay, Depending on the Target Site Position
Hand JM, Bazzini AA. Mol Cell.2017;65:375-377.
Using fluorescent reporters in conjunction with cytometry and statistics to assess nuclear accumulation of ribosomal proteins
Kim DH, Box AC, Li H, Gerton JL. Methods Mol Biol.2017;1515:217-226.
Cost accounting method for cytometry facilities.
Box AC, Park J, Semerad CL, Konnesky J, Haug JS. Cytometry A. 2012;81:439-444.
A role for RhoA in the two-phase migratory pattern of post-otic neural crest cells
Rupp PA, Kulesa PM. Dev Biol.2007;311:159-171.